Interview for Federico Paulovich

-Federico Paulovich インタビュー-


いまドラム業界大注目の人物「Federico Paulovich(フェデリコ・パウロビッチ)」。
UFiP社のシンバル についての魅力はもちろん、
意外なバックボーン、若き日の活動、DESTRAGEに加入するまでの経歴など たくさん語っていただきました。

"I’m a very curious person and I love to learn something new every day and possibly from anyone."

───Ciao Federico, Come stai ?
First of all, we are very happy to interview you about UFiP cymbals.
We would like ask you about your music life background.
As your profile says, you have started to learn music since 9 years old. What kind of music did you listen at that time and your roots of music ?

───チャオ Federico!

Federico Paulovich : Ciao bello! I'm very good, thank you!
Although my parents aren’t musicians, I’ve been lucky enough to grow up in a very music-oriented environment.
Most of the times we used to listen to records instead of watching TV while being at home. The first memories that I have of me listening to music are related to Phil Collins, U2, Kraftwerk, Gipsy Kings and The Blues Brothers.
I think “the Blues Brothers” movie is one of the main reasons why I started playing an instrument. I can’t remember what music I used to listen when I started but I guess most of it came from the radio.

Federico Paulovich(以下F):チャオ ベッロ! インタビューありがとう。
家に居るときはテレビを見るより、ほとんどレコードを聴いていたよ。最初の記憶は フィルコリンズ関連やU2、クラフトワーク、ジプシーキングス、ブルースブラザーズあたりを良く聴いていたよ。

───Besides, why did you learn to play the drum?

───なるほど ドラムの演奏を始めようと思ったきっかけはなんだったのですか?

F: I always felt a special relationship with music, something almost magic, and I feel like I’ve always wanted to play something. When I was 2, one of my favorite things was playing on pots and cans with wooden spoons, but my parents didn’t take this too seriously, so I had to wait until the local marching band came to play some demos at the primary school where I was studying. Living in an apartment it’s kind of a big deal if you wanna play an instrument, so I thought I could never have played drums, and I started with trumpet. I got bored pretty soon so my teacher asked me if I wanted to play drums (which was the instrument that I’ve always wanted to play) and that I could have practiced in the band’s rehearsal room and with the practice pad, and that’s how it all started.

F : 僕はいつも音楽には魔法みたいな不思議で特別な関係を感じるんだ。そしていつも何か新しいプレイをしようと考えている。
その後 小学生になった時、通っていた学校に地元のマーチングバンドが演奏に来たんだ。その頃僕はアパートに住んでいたので、楽器を演奏してみたかったけど、ドラムなんて絶対無理って考えていたよ。

───You took lots of lessons from some of the greatest Italian and international drummers such as Chris Coleman, Rob Carson,Maxx Furian, Sergio Pescara,Stefano Bagnoli and Alfredo Golino.!
You also attended several clinics, workshops and masterclasses given by drumming greats including Gavin Harrison, Horacio “El Negro” Hernandez, Johnny Rabb, Marco Minneman, Jojo Mayer, Steve, Smith, Benny Greb, Virgil Donati and many more.!

───イタリア国内外の有名なドラマー Chris Coleman, Rob Carson, Maxx Furian, Sergio Pescara, Stefano Bangnoli, Alfredo Golinoなどに師事し、Gavin Harrison, Horacio "El Negro" Hernandez, Johnny Rabb, Marco Minneman, Jojo Mayer, Steve Smith, Benny Greb, Virgil Donati のマスタークラスなどのワークショップにも積極的に参加されスキルを磨いたとお聞きしております。

F:That’s right, I’m a very curious person and I love to learn something new every day and possibly from anyone. Having had the chance to study with these greats is a real privilege for me. Even better is that I became friend with most of them!

F :その通り。僕は好奇心旺盛なんだ!とにかく毎日いろいろな人から何かを吸収したいんだ。素晴らしいドラマー達に学ぶことができてとても良かったよ。彼らとも友達になれたしね!

───We must think to learn from many of great drummers is very important to build up the skill, isn’t it?


F:A. Yes it absolutely is.
Everyone has his own experience and personal history that can make you grow a lot if you listen to it.
Moreover I believe having a great technical foundation is essential to build up your skills on the instrument and also for being able to play different style easily.
For this reason I decided to take lessons from Rob Carson, he’s definitely a master of technique.

F : そう!その通り!みんなそれぞれ育ってきた環境や経験してきたことが違うから、音楽に対しても個性があるんだよ。

───What else did you learn except Jazz and Rock ?

───Rockだけでなく、Jazzなど幅広く勉強したそうですね。 また、その他にはどんなジャンルの音楽を勉強されたのですか?

F:As I was saying, I really studied every musical style, but then depending on what type of gigs you play, you got the chance to apply what you’ve practiced.
For instance, I’ve studied all the latin rhythms, but I never had the chance to play them, so I forgot most of them LoL.

F : さっきも言ったように、本当にあらゆることを吸収するためにさまざまなプレースタイルを勉強したよ。

" but I always look forward to see what’s next."

───We are very surprised to know that you played hundreds concerts all around Italy and several recordings at age of only 12 !


F:A. Well, that’s when I started doing it actually!
I don’t know exactly when I reached to that numbers, but yeah, I remember that I’ve been always playing concerts since then.
I did my first recording session when I was 15/16 years old tho.

F: そうみたいだね。正確なライブ本数は覚えていないけど。(笑) ただいつもライブしていた記憶があるね。たしか最初のレコーディングは15か16才の時だったかな。

───One of these is the EP released, in 2004 by the band Amniotic Count (winner of the national contest organized by “True Metal” review- webzine) “Not Born Yet”, very well reviewed by trade magazines.!
In 2005 he was the drummer of the band that playback to the participants of the TV show “Sei un mito” broadcast for 7 appointments on national television channel “Canale5” (repeated in 2006 on national channel “Rete4”).!
You worked for 2 years with the Vasco Rossi (Italian rock legend) tribute band “Vascombriccola” in which also play Vasco’s musicians Claudio Golinelli, Maurizio Solieri and Mimmo Camporeale They were very great experience for your music life and should be a dream come true.

──2004年には ネット誌 “True-Metal”のコンテストで優勝したバンドAmniotic Countの “Not Born Yet” がトレード雑誌で評判となり、それがきっかけで、イタリアの放送局 Canale5のSei un mitoという番組でドラムを演奏することになったそうですね。
さらにはVasco Rossi(イタリアの伝説のロック)のトリビュートバンド"Vascombriccola"でClaudio Golinelli, Maurizio Solieri, Mimmo Camporealeと共に2年間活動したそうですね。

F:Yeah I mean, those have been really useful experiences, but I always look forward to see what’s next.
I’ve been lucky enough to start working as a musician when I was very young, playing with older musicians that could teach me a lot.

F: そうだね、本当にとても有意義な経験だったよ。

───Since January 2007 he's been the drummer from Destrage. Please tell the background to join Italian band “ Destrage”?

──2007年からイタリアのメタルバンド Destrageのドラマーとして加入しましたね。まずはDestrageに加入した経緯を教えていただけますか?

F:Funny story is that I joined the band almost right after a vacation that I did with Matt back in 2006.
A few months later he called me saying that they were changing line-up and that they had their first contract with this Japanese label asking me if I wanted to join, and so here we are!.

F: きっかけはすごく面白い縁なんだけど、2006年にギターのマテオと一緒にバカンスを過ごして戻ってきてから間もなくしてなんと、日本のレーベル会社が「DESTRAGEに加入しないか?」って誘ってくれたんだ!すぐに「やる!」って答えたよ!

───Very busy to record new album and world tour of Destrage, but at the same time, in 2007/2008 Fede became a drum teacher in the music academy “Skull Of Rock”Are you interested in teaching drum play ?

──アルバムリリースやワールドツアーで多忙の中、さらに同時期に2007,2008年 ミラノの音楽学校 “Skull of Rock”の教師となりましたね。もともと教える事に興味があったのでしょうか?

F:Yes, I do teach a lot. I actually love to teach! I don’t teach anymore in that school (it doesn’t even exist anymore), but now I’ve been teaching at NAM Bovisa for a few years, and it’s a really nice school. I do also a lot of private teaching as well, which represents most of my monthly income nowadays.

F: そう、たくさんレッスンさせてもらってるね。本当に僕は人にドラムを教えるのが好きなんだ! 今は、Skull of Rockでは教えてないんだ。でも今はNAM Bovisaという素晴らしいスクールでここ数年教えているよ。そしてたくさんの個人レッスンもしている。僕の大きな収入源さ!(笑)

───After that, in September 2008 Fede attended the Private Drum Teacher Seminar held by Dom Famularo and powered by Vic Firth; at the end of which he received the Vic Firth PDT teacher certificate.
You have been teaching drum at school, having drum clinic and masterwork in the world. In Japan, you held UFiP cymbals clinic at IkeBECK, Ikebe-gakki Akihabara, was really great!
We wanna ask about the clinic later…..

──その後はVic FirthのPrivate Drum Teacher Programを受講しVic Firth公認の講師となります。今でも学校の授業を受け持ち、さらにはDESTRAGE のツアー先などの世界各国でドラムクリニックを行っていますね。日本では2016年12月に 池部楽器店 ドラムステーション秋葉原店様主催のUFiP シンバルクリニックは素晴らしかったですね。この事につきましては後程質問したいと思います。

F:A. Yes, that’s correct!

F: そうだね!

" Now we’re working on something new on that aspect so expect something really cool!"

───We want to know about you more, but….. Now we ask your lovely UFiP cymbals. Of course, UFiP is Italia made, you always have been seeing UFiP logo since you started to play the drum. When did you meet UFiP cymbals?


F:I first started playing UFIP as a prize for winning the PercFest competition in 2007, and I really loved them.
Right after that, I’ve been asked to appear in their 80th anniversary DVD and that’s when I officially became an UFIP artist, I was so stoked!

F :僕が初めてUFiPを使ったのは、2007年のPercFestのコンペティションでの優勝賞品だった。
そのシンバルが最高だったんだ。その後 UFiPの80年記念DVDに出演が決まって、正式にUFiPアーティストになったんだよ。そのときは感動で身震いしたよ!

───Do you remember the models what you used first and sound impression?


F:The cool thing of living in Italy is that I can drive to the factory to pick my cymbals.
Lorenzo is always very helpful in guiding me through the choice process depending on the sound that I’m looking for.
I think that I started with Brilliant crashes, a 21 Bionic ride that I still have, and a few more that I can’t remember now…but the impression was WOW!

F :何が素晴らしいって、僕が住んでる所から車でピストイアの工場に直接行ってシンバルをピックアップできる事なんだ!

───We guess you spent lots of time to fix this setting for Destrage play, called “DESTRAGE SETUP”
As 15” BIONIC hi-hat, 19” and 20” Bell Crash, We think larger cymbals make offensive image, but in those larger cymbals, we are very curious the reasons why you use 7” and 8” icebell and stacked 15”+16” crash and 16”China+14” crash as effect sound use? and mix to set up the deferent series ?

───そして試行錯誤を繰り返しDESTRAGEでの演奏時でのラインナップ “DESTRAGE SET”が誕生します。15”ハイハット、に19”,20”のベルクラッシュなど大きめなシンバルで攻撃的なイメージがありますが、その中にも7”,8”のアイスベル、15”+16”クラッシュのスタック, 16”Chinaと14”クラッシュのスタック とエフェクト的な使い方をしているのも興味深いですね。 スタックをする理由はどうしてなのでしょうか?

F:The set-up I use for Destrage has been changing through the years. Playing extreme music requires big, heavy and loud cymbals, so the choice came naturally on bionic hats and ride.
I’ve been using different series of crashes tho, but always 19” and 20”. Due to the crazy nature of our music I also needed a few effects so that’s why I use the two ice bells and the stack.
I have a few options for that, since for now we don’t have a pre configured model.
So those are the two best sounding combinations that I’ve found working with Lorenzo at the factory.
Now we’re working on something new on that aspect so expect something really cool!

F :DESTRAGEでのシンバルセットは今でもずっと試行錯誤しているよ。エクストリームミュージックでは大きく、へヴィーで迫力のある音が求められる。

───Also please advise the sound character of each cymbals?


F:BI-15HH Hi-Hat
TA. It’s very loud but it’s also very versatile, I’ve used this cymbals in most of the recordings that I’ve done

F : BI-15HH Hi-Hat

F:7" Ice Bell
A. I use this on top of the hi-hat, it’s a very cool option to simulate that “Gene Hoglan” double ride effect, without having a second ride

F: 7" Ice Bell

F:8" Ice Bell
This has a longer sustain, I use it the same way but much more as an effect

F:8" Ice Bell

It’s easy to play but still very loud. It’s amazing how focused the note of this cymbal is, that’s due to the raw bell.


Same as above

F :ES-20BC

F:CS-10B Splash
Ufip makes the best splashes in the world, enough said ;)

F:CS-10B Splash

F:BI-20MR ride
My go-to choice for heavy music, it has a powerful bell and a very clear ping

F:BI-20MR ride

F:RS-18CH china
Cuts very well through the mix, the sound and sustain are just perfect

F:RS-18CH china

F:Stack made of ES-15BTC+ES-16BTC
Cuts very well through the mix, the sound and sustain are just perfect

F:Stack made of ES-15BTC+ES-16BTC

F:Stack made of CS-16BCH+CS-14M
That’s the second options but you need to be lucky with this because not every cymbal work together with the china. The sound is amazing when it does tho!-

F:Stack made of CS-16BCH+CS-14M
これは2番目のオプション。チャイナとクラッシュをスタックするなんて普通はやらないだろう!? このサウンドはきっとびっくりするよ!

───You played another set “CLINIC SETUP) for UFiP cymbal clinic at IkeBECK, Ikebe gakki Akihabara last December (Dec.2 2016) . Please explain the character for all cymbals?

───昨年(2016年) 12月2日に池部楽器店様で開催したドラムクリニックではDESTRAGE SET UPともう一つ別のセット “CLINIC SET UP”も使いましたね。クリニック用のセットアップも解説していただけますか?

For the clinic set up I want something more mellow, acoustic and versatile, because of the music that I play. For this reason I made this selection of cymbals. 16” Blast hats are super creamy and expressive


That’s the most different from Destrage set up. I really need a more jazzy ride, able to enhance all the nuances of funk, fusion, and experimental music


Much warmer than the rough one, it’s perfect for an acoustic set up


F:Stack made of ES-15BTC+ES-16BTCCS-16BCH+CS-14M
Nothing changed from before ;)

F:Stack made of ES-15BTC+ES-16BTCCS-16BCH+CS-14M
DESTRAGEセットと同じだよ(^ <)

"Every UFIP cymbal has its own character because they’re hand made for real."
“完全に手工品なので、同じシリーズ、サイズでも1枚1枚異なるキャラクターを持っているね ”

───UFiP product series have more unique series as Tiger, SuperNova and eXtaic except your 2 setup as DESTRAGE and CLINIC. We guess you use those models for other genre of music when you support many of artists? Please let us know the models and sound impression if you use those cymbals ? We know you really love all UFiP cymbals, what series and cymbal is the most favorite for you ?

───これ以外にUFiPでは “Tiger”, “SuperNova” や “eXtatic”などユニークなキャラクターのシリーズがあります。もちろん演奏するジャンルによってはセットに組み込んでいるのでしょうか? また使用しているものあればモデルや感想をお聞かせください。

F:Tiger and Supernova are for sure a great entry level choice, while I’ve never used ecstatic because I’m so happy with the other cymbals that I use. My favorite series is probably the Natural one, I can play almost every style with those cymbals, they’re great!

F: TigerとSupernovaは入門者向けにはバッチリだよ!今使っているシンバルでとても満足しているので、 eXtaticはまだ叩いたことがないんだ。一番のお気に入りはNaturalシリーズかな。Naturalシリーズがあればほとんどのジャンルの音楽をカバーできる、素晴らしいシンバルだよ。

───Unfortunately, I could not attend the clinic, but I heard from clinic staff from Ikebe gakki, the clinic was fantastic and good playing method explanation to the audience. Did you feel the reaction from Japanese drummers?

───残念ながら私は、池部楽器店様のクリニックに参加できませんでしたが、開催店舗のスタッフの方々からは、クリニックにとても慣れていて、説明もわかりやすく素晴らしい内容でしたと伺っております。実際 クリニック参加者の反応はいかがでしたでしょうか?

F:Absolutely, it’s been an amazing clinic! Great crowd reaction and a lot of very good questions! The level of musicians in Japan is certainly one of the highest!

F: 本当に素晴らしいクリニックだったよ!参加してくれたみんなの反応は素晴らしかったし、たくさん良い質問をしてきた。日本のミュージシャンのレベルの高さは、間違いなくトップレベルだよ。

───Please advise how choose cymbal from lots of displayed cymbals at music shop to Japanese drummers who could not attend the clinic… What is UFiP for you, Federico ?

───クリニックに参加できなかった日本のドラマーの方へ シンバル選びのアドバイスお願いします。 またFedericoにとってUFiPとは?

F:Every UFIP cymbal has its own character because they’re hand made for real. It’s the opposite concept of mass produced cymbals. You gotta find the cymbals with the soul that matches with yours, and then you’ll be in love. Make sure you try a few cymbals before you buy it, you might find some good surprise!


───Of course, we will hold UFiP cymbal clinic when you come to Japan again in future !


F:Oh yes I can’t wait to be back!


───Last question,Please give your messages to Japanese Destrage fan and Federico’s fan.


F: I love you all guys! Japanese fans are definitely the best fans in the world! I can’t wait to be back, but in the meanwhile stay tuned because some great news are on the way!




F: Grazie a Lei.


Federico Paulovich プロフィール

1985年 イタリア生まれ、9才からドラムを始める。
2007年 DESTRAGEに加入。
指導者としての活動も長く、DESTRAGE 加入後も音楽学校のドラム講師や、個人レッスン、DESTRAGEツアー先の世界各国でも精力的にセミナーを開催している。
今 世界で最も注目されている若手ドラマーの1人である。
